Brass and percussion auditions are closed. Limited audition opportunities still remain to join BACCG!



Rolling Submissions

Guard only. Brass and percussion closed




January 3rd-5th

Brass and percussion




April 25th-27th

Registration coming soon





Prepare for your audition with a packet! Audition packets are a vital part of the brass and percussion audition process and contain the technique exercises and warmups that will be evaluated during an in-person audition. Plus, every packet contains an excerpt from our 2024 production, “Glitch!”

Audition packets are only for brass, battery, and front ensemble members. Color guard and conductors will be notified if additional material is required.


Prepare for your audition with a packet! Audition packets are a vital part of the brass and percussion audition process and contain the technique exercises and warmups that will be evaluated during an in-person audition. Plus, every packet contains an excerpt from our 2024 production, “Glitch!”

Audition packets are only for brass, battery, and front ensemble members. Color guard and conductors will be notified if additional material is required.



Choose your section below to review your individual audition process!


For more information about your section’s specific schedule, please refer to the requirement pages above.

Reheasal Camps


January and April

Sections will attend their respective rehearsal camps which are held at Pieper High School in San Antonio, TX.


Spring Training



In Mid-May, the full corps will move-in to spring training for the official start of the season.




Concludes August 9th

After spring training, the corps will depart for tour! Shows begin in Colorado with stops in California, Texas, Massachusetts, and more.



Our full tour schedule is available here.


What sections have open spots?

We have openings in all sections including brass, battery, front ensemble, color guard, and drum majors/conductors.

Our current openings for 2025 include:

  • Brass – all sections
  • Battery – all sections
  • Pit
  • Guard – weapon, flag, and dance
  • Conductors

How do I audition?

  • Choose your first audition: One-day, weekend camp, or video audition. No matter how you begin, you can earn a contract!
  • Callbacks: If you are selected to move on after your first step, you will either receive a contract or a callback! You will be invited to attend the January Callback Camp (musicians/conductors) or April Camp (color guard) held in San Antonio, TX.
  • Contract: You can earn a contract at any point in the process! Once you are offered a contract, you will have one week to accept your spot.

How do I prepare for my audition?

Begin by registering for an audition! Take advantage of early bird pricing by registering by November 1st. Then, review your section’s audition requirements and begin practicing!

For brass and percussion, you will be required to purchase an audition packet (available by clicking here.) For in-person auditions, candidates will be required to play a selection of exercises as outlined in the packet. For video auditions, candidates must prepare a short solo showcasing their best technical abilities.

For guard, you will be evaluated on dance/movement, flag, and weapon technique and choreography. For in-person auditions, you will learn exercises and choreography from our education staff. For video auditions, you will showcase your abilities through a sample of dance, flag, and weapon choreography of your choice.

For conductors, you will be emailed more information after registering. Auditions typically include a written essay, letters of recommendation, and a live conducting workshop during our November San Antonio Camp.

What are the audition fees?

  • Audition packet (brass and percussion only): $25
  • One-day: $100 early bird ($125 after November 1st)
  • Audition camp: $200 early bird ($250 after November 1st)
  • Video audition: $125 early bird ($150 after November 1st)
  • Callback camp: $250

Do I need to bring my own instrument or equipment?

If you have access to an instrument or guard equipment, please bring it with you to auditions. We have a limited amount of brass and percussion instruments available. If you do not have an instrument, please bring your own mouthpiece.

Will there be housing, meals, or transportation provided?

Housing and meals will be provided at the full weekend San Antonio Camp only. Candidates must arrange their own transportation from the airport. For one-day and pop-up audition events, candidates are responsible for providing their own transportation, meals, and housing (if applicable).

Can I participate without auditioning?

Yes. The best way to get a feel for the audition process is to start now. It is never too early to start working towards your goals. Students are allowed to join Facebook pages, download audition packets, and attend audition dates without formally auditioning.

Is there a minimum age to march with the Boston Crusaders?

Our membership ages range from 16-21. Our average age is 19.5 years of age. Members who turn 22 on our after June 1st are eligible to march that summer. For members under the age of 18, a parent or guardian must be involved in the process from auditions through contracting and membership.

What will the 2025 season be like?

The 2025 season can be broken up into three main parts: camps, spring training, and tour. Each section’s attendance requirements are listed below on their respective audition pages.



  • Step one audition – Video or San Antonio November Camp
  • January Callback Camp – January 3-5 in San Antonio, TX
  • February Brass Rehearsal (Optional) – Dates TBA in San Antonio, TX
  • March Brass Rehearsal (Optional) – Dates TBA in San Antonio, TX
  • April Production Camp – April 25-27 in San Antonio, TX


  • Step one audition – Video or San Antonio November Camp
  • January Callback Camp – January 3-5 in San Antonio, TX
  • April Production Camp – April 25-27 in San Antonio, TX

Color Guard:

  • Step one audition – Video audition or Indianapolis/Houston one-days
  • April Production/Callback Camp – April 25-27 in San Antonio, TX


  • November Camp – November 30-December 1 in San Antonio, TX
  • January Callback Camp – January 3-5 in San Antonio, TX
  • April Production Camp – April 25-27 in San Antonio, TX

Spring Training/Move-Ins:

Mid-May through Mid-June

The 2025 Boston Crusaders’ spring training will take place in the Northeast from mid-May through mid-June. While at spring training, members reside in dorms and eat in the campus dining hall, with an end of day snack provided from the corps’ food truck. Our facilities provides ample rehearsal space including indoor space, multiple outdoor fields, and a turf stadium. We enjoy very comfortable spring temperatures and the members have one night off per week for rest and relaxation.


Concludes August 9th

After four weeks of spring training, the 2025 Boston Crusaders will embark on a tour that is approximately eight weeks long from mid-June to August 9th. The corps will travel the country via coach bus and house in high schools and college campuses. The corps will perform on the 2025 Drum Corps International summer tour and several special performances including parades and concerts. Between rehearsals and shows, members will enjoy free days to explore cities along the way. The season will culminate at the 2025 DCI World Championships in Indianapolis, IN. View a sample of a typical tour schedule here.

What is the tuition cost?

Tuition for the 2025 season is $6,000. More information about payments and deadlines are made available within the membership contract.

Several scholarship and fundraising opportunities are made available throughout the winter, including our March for the Members Tuition Drive.

Questions? Email us at info@bostoncrusaders.org


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