Begin your audition with a one-day experience or video audition! No matter how you begin your audition, you have an equal chance of earning a contract!



November 17th

$100 early bird ($125 after Nov. 1st)




December 8th

$100 early bird ($125 after Nov. 1st)





$125 early bird ($150 after Nov. 1st)


Early bird pricing: register before November 1st and save!


After your first audition, you will either receive a contract, a callback, or critique to try again next year. If you’re selected to move on, you may be required to complete video assignments until our final audition/production camp weekend in April.



April 25-27th

San Antonio, TX
Final auditions for color guard and full corps rehearsal



Show us what you got! This is your opportunity to show off your best skills for the Boston Crusaders staff. Please come to your one-day audition ready to learn flag, weapon, and movement choreography. For a video audition, please prepare a video featuring:

  • An introduction of yourself (name, age, where you’re from, where you have marched, and past experience)
  • Movement technique and choreography
  • Equipment tosses and choreography
  • Please include any special tricks or skills that you have in movement (tumbling, aerials, flexibility, etc)


Show us what you got! This is your opportunity to show off your best skills for the Boston Crusaders staff. Please come to your one-day audition ready to learn flag, weapon, and movement choreography. For a video audition, please prepare a video featuring:

  • An introduction of yourself (name, age, where you’re from, where you have marched, and past experience)
  • Movement technique and choreography
  • Equipment tosses and choreography
  • Please include any special tricks or skills that you have in movement (tumbling, aerials, flexibility, etc)



Before auditioning you can meet and interact with veteran members and staff, ask questions, and post progress videos by joining your section’s interest group on Facebook! Our staff and veteran members will be available to provide critique, answer questions, and provide advice before your audition!

Click below to join the group!


What sections have open spots?

We have openings in all sections of the color guard including flag, rifle, sabre, and dance!

Do I have to audition on weapon?

It is not required to spin a weapon to audition. First and foremost, everyone must be able to spin a flag and dance well to make the color guard. We decide the number of people that will spin weapon in the show based on the talent at auditions and show design needs. Casting needs may be different year to year.

What is an in-person audition like?

Each audition day begins with dance and basic movement technique. This will set you up to get comfortable and have a good understanding of the style that we are looking for. We will teach the choreography piece (that will be performed for the audition) and continue to refine throughout the day. You’ll then move on to flag where we will start with basic technique. We will teach the choreography after that. Weapon technique and choreography will be taught later in the day. You will perform them in groups for your final audition. These one-day camps are fast moving with lots of learning. You will come in, learn the pieces, and perform them at the end of the camp. We will break in between blocks for meals.

**PLEASE REMEMBER** The entire process is an audition–from the moment you walk in the door until you leave at the end of the camp.

During the audition camps, we will be doing relaxed interviews with each auditionee. This interview is simply a way for us to make sure we have all of your information correct, to get to know you a little better, and for you to ask us any questions you may have.

What should I include in a video audition?

  1. An introduction of yourself (name, age, where you’re from, where you have marched, and past experience)
  2. Movement choreography: Please prepared a choreographed piece that displays a dynamic range in performance and skill while demonstrating an understanding for the music.
  3. Flag and weapon choreography: For equipment, you should demonstrate tossing abilities as well as any tricks or special skills that you have.
  4. Please include any special tricks or skills that you have in movement (tumbling, aerials, flexibility, equipment tricks, etc)

There is no time limit for the video audition, but make it a video that stands out and highlights your highest abilities. We want you to highlight your best skills.

What are you looking for in the audition?

This is a casting. We select our members based on what the production demands and what roles are needed. Exactly what we are looking for differs from year to year based on the casting needs for that year’s production. From a skill perspective, we are always looking for the highest level of excellence–from technical standards to performance. Other variables that will be taken into consideration are work ethic, cooperation with others, financial standing with the drum corps, level of retention (of quality and details), and, very importantly, your willingness to learn.

Do I need to bring my own equipment?

Please bring equipment if you can. We will provide weapons and flags but have a limited amount. We will be spinning 39″ sabres and 38″ rifles. If you do not have a 38″ rifle and would like to bring a 39″ instead, that is okay. Please no 36″ equipment. Flags will be provided.

Will there be housing, meals, or transportation provided?

Attendees are responsible for providing their own transportation, meals, and housing (if applicable) during one-day audition events.

Can I participate without auditioning?

Yes. The best way to get a feel for the audition process is to start now. It is never too early to start working towards your goals. Students are allowed to join Facebook pages, download audition packets, and attend audition dates without formally auditioning.

Is there a minimum age to march with the Boston Crusaders?

Our membership ages range from 16-21. Our average age is 19.5 years of age. Members who turn 22 on our after June 1st are eligible to march that summer. For members under the age of 18, a parent or guardian must be involved in the process from auditions through contracting and membership.

What rehearsals do I have to attend?

The 2025 season can be broken up into three main parts: camps, spring training, and tour.


  • Step one: Video audition or Indianapolis/Houston one-day
  • April Callback Camp – April 25-27th in San Antonio, TX

Spring Training/Move-Ins:

Mid-May through Mid-June

The 2025 Boston Crusaders’ spring training will take place in the Northeast from mid-May through mid-June. While at spring training, members reside in dorms and eat in the campus dining hall, with an end of day snack provided from the corps’ food truck. Our facilities provides ample rehearsal space including indoor space, multiple outdoor fields, and a turf stadium. We enjoy very comfortable spring temperatures and the members have one night off per week for rest and relaxation.


Concludes August 9th

After four weeks of spring training, the 2025 Boston Crusaders will embark on a tour that is approximately eight weeks long from mid-June to August 9th. The corps will travel the country via coach bus and house in high schools and college campuses. The corps will perform on the 2025 Drum Corps International summer tour and several special performances including parades and concerts. Between rehearsals and shows, members will enjoy free days to explore cities along the way. The season will culminate at the 2025 DCI World Championships in Indianapolis, IN. View a sample of a typical tour schedule here.

What should I wear?

You need to wear something comfortable and form fitting–dance attire. Please remember that this is an audition and you want to look your best. Wear clothing that allows you to move about freely. Keep hair out of the face. We advise against wearing jewelry (minor jewelry like stud earrings are okay). Please bring sneakers, you’ll wear them while we spin equipment. This also applies to video auditionees.

Questions? Email us at info@bostoncrusaders.org


Fill out our interest form to receive audition tips, tricks, and updates!