Follow the steps below to prepare, film, and submit your video audition for the Boston Crusaders brass, percussion, and color guard.
Step 1:
Register for a video audition by using the form below. The early bird video audition fee is $125, and $150 after November 1st. You do NOT need to submit your video at the time of registering.
All transactions are final. There are no refunds for incomplete video auditions.
Step 2:
Film your video according to your section guides below.
Brass Requirements – CLOSED
- Show us your technical abilities with material you already have prepared! No packet material is required for this round. We recommend a 1 to 2.5 minute technical solo, etude, or characteristic study of your choosing that best shows off your range, technique, and abilities.
- Demonstration of your marching abilities. The marching portion should include a basic marching exercise demonstrating your forward, backward, forward slide and backward slide techniques. This marching exercise should be performed at quarter note equals 80 beats per minute and 180 beats per minute.
Percussion Requirements – CLOSED
Please prepare a 20-30 second solo that showcases your virtuosity, musicality, and performance. This could be anything you are comfortable playing that can show us how you perform and will be the basis of your individual audition for the first round! You can use material you already have prepared from another performance or audition. Packet material is not required for video auditions.
No visual/marching required.
In your video, please perform a short excerpt (60-90 seconds) of solo of your choice (marimba, vibraphone, xylophone) that showcases your virtuosity, musicality, and performance. This could be an excerpt from a solo or previous show music you’ve played. Packet material is not required for video auditions.
Color Guard Requirements
- An introduction of yourself (name, age, where you’re from, where you have marched, and past experience)
- Movement choreography: Please prepared a choreographed piece that displays a dynamic range in performance and skill while demonstrating an understanding for the music.
- Flag and weapon choreography: For equipment, you should demonstrate tossing abilities as well as any tricks or special skills that you have.
- Please include any special tricks or skills that you have in movement (tumbling, aerials, flexibility, etc)
There is no time limit for the video audition, but make it a video that stands out and highlights your highest abilities. We want you to highlight your best skills.
Step 3:
Upload to Youtube as an unlisted video and submit your audition using the form below.
After Submitting:
After submitting, a staff member will contact you with your results via email. If you are invited to move on, you will receive a contract or a link to register for your section’s respective callback camp.